13801 Burnet Road, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78727

(512) 792-4673

Celebrate Hope Prayer Center


Aug 04 2020


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Celebrate Hope Prayer Center

Since 2016, HOPE Prayer Room has experienced an estimated 4,200 hours of live worship and prayer, est. 2,650 worship and prayer sets, several conferences, along with organized prayer focused on every severe weather threat in the Greater Austin area. It’s worth noting that during this time, Greater Austin has not experienced a single major weather event! Thank you, Jesus! HOPE Prayer Room continues to be a “catalytic resource center,” partnering with churches in Greater Austin to release mercy and restore hope before, during, and after crisis. Now we get to celebrate HOPE through our 4 year anniversary on August 4th, from 6pm-8pm. Join us virtually or attend live at the event by selecting which ticket with your personal preference.

LiveStream Celebration of Hope 08/04/2020


Watch HPC On-Ramp 08/08/2020


Download Notes Here...



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