13801 Burnet Road, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78727

(512) 792-4673


Partner with HPC
Celebrating 4 Years of Worship with Prayer

HOPE Prayer Center is entering our 4th year as a catalytic resource center for the City of Austin, serving its people by equipping, resourcing and empowering the Churches of Greater Austin to mobilize intercessory worship, before, during and after crisis strikes.

Today more than ever, we have a greater sense of clarity, strength and resolve to honor the LORD’s calling and fulfill our purpose to mobilize night and day prayer in the city of Austin, but we cannot do it alone. We need the continued partnership of faithful friends like you who will stand with us in prayer and regular financial support so we can one day experience the fullness of God’s plan for Austin to be the LIVE worship capital of America!

Please pray and ask God if He would have you give a special or reoccurring gift to partner with us in the unfolding story He is writing at HOPE Prayer Center!

The Impact of Partners' Support

People Impacted by Healing Ministry

HPR hosts a Healing Training to equip the Body of Christ in applying the right tools and resources in the gift of Healing. HPR is preparing to launch regular healing room ministry in the Prayer Room in 2020.

Hours of Worship and Prayer a Week

Currently, 11 churches, worship teams, and prayer teams serve in the HPR in several different languages.

7 sets in English
3 sets in Spanish
1 set in Chinese


Volunteers are the greatest resource and support we have in HPR. The funds from our partners are helping us enlarge our volunteer network to gain more support within the City.

Survivors Ministered to Annually

Survivors impacted by disaster or crisis have the opportunity to sit in the Prayer Room and feel the comfort of the Holy Spirit minister to them through the web stream and live worship.

Opportunities to Give

Behringer X32
Sound Mixer


The rapid growth of the Prayer Room requires an upgrade to the sound system.

Monthly Equipment Maintenance

$6,000 annually

The stage, instruments, and equipment used throughout the week require maintenance, protection, and repair.

HPR Staff and

$60,000 annually

HPR is currently looking to hire 4 part-time staff members:

Core Team Leader

Media Coordinator


Event Coordinator

HPR Year-End Goal


HOPE Prayer Room year-end goal for 2020 is to raise $100,000 to launch 100 hour/56 weekends a year, non-stop live worship and prayer in the House of Prayer.